Entrepreneurs working

small businesses

Through Lidya

Grow your business with Lidya

Cafe running with Lidya investment

Your capital can be used to help small businesses grow and support their communities, while delivering a market leading return to you.

Lidya captures the needs of Unserved SME’s

The current financial ecosystem is not able to serve small businesses appropriately, generating a credit gap of over US$3 trillion in fast growing economies. By leveraging our proprietary technology and digital channels, we are in able to provide fast and convenient access to capital to small businesses around the world.

Lidya vs Banks vs Alt Lenders

Quick access to capital
Easy application process
Competitive rates
No need of collateral
Decision in as little as 24h’s
Fully digital UX
Smart use of data to assess risk
No collateral
Alternative Lenders

We serve Clients from a Wide Range of Industries

Chart showing industry breakdown in Nigeria
Chart showing industry breakdown in Europe

Combining Rigorous Credit Assessment with the Lastest Tech

Good for our Clients

Fast and convenient access to capital through digital channels.

Good for Lidya

Process automation and continuous improvement of our credit scoring algorithms.

Good for our Investors

Credit risk contained (NPLs ~1%) to protect our investor’s capital.

2020 Achievements

After our success in Africa in the last 4 years, we have expanded to Europe, where we are growing at an unprecedented rate

Chart showing cumulative loan originations

We have crossed $4m USD in loans in Europe… in only 3.5 months! It took almost two years to reach this milestone in Nigeria. Enabled by our proprietary algorithms and supported by our recently deployed “Sardis” loan processing software, we were able to identify trustworthy customers and offer them a seamless experience. 600+ loans have been disbursed in Europe, with an almost 0% default rate and 95% repeat business.

Make a profitable investment and write this story of success in Europe with us

We are offering individuals and legal entities the possibility of investing in our debt which will be used of onlending in Poland and Czech Republic.
We provide an annual return of 10%, and are open to commitments of as low as 5,000 USD.

Chart showing Lidya's ROI

Invest in Three Easy Steps


Click on the “Invest in Lidya“ button and sign-up as an investor!

Choose the amount to invest

We are open to a wide range of investment sizes, so you get to decide how much to commit

Earn interest

You'll receive quarterly interest payments and you will be able to widthraw your funds in as little as X month

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Currently open for investment